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Artificial Intelligence

The Impact of AI on Gender Discrimination

At White Label Consultancy, we acknowledge and embrace the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the numerous challenges it brings across diverse sectors.   That is why we are proud to collaborate on AI4Gov, an EU-funded initiative focused on leveraging AI for evidence-based innovations while tackling pressing ethical issues like discrimination and biases in democratic societies.   In our efforts to

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Artificial Intelligence

Comparative Analysis: Regulatory Approaches to AI in Different Jurisdictions

At White Label Consultancy, we acknowledge and embrace the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the numerous challenges it brings across diverse sectors.  That is why we are proud to collaborate on AI4Gov, an EU-funded initiative focused on leveraging AI for evidence-based innovations while tackling pressing ethical issues like discrimination and biases in democratic societies.  In our efforts to

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AI Act Has Been Adopted

On the 13th of March, the European Parliament’s Plenary voted officially in favour of the AI Act.  The AI Act is considered the world’s first comprehensive legal act that will regulate the use and deployment of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence tools.  After a formal final linguistic review and approval by the Council, the AI Act will be published in

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Artificial Intelligence

Towards Innovation: The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in the EU

At White Label Consultancy, we acknowledge and embrace the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the numerous challenges it brings across diverse sectors. As proponents of responsible innovation, we understand the importance of a regulatory approach capable of facilitating ongoing advancements in this field while protecting the interests of individuals. That is why we are proud to collaborate on

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Governance Program
Artificial Intelligence

World Economic Forum Published the Global Risks Report 2024

On the 10th of January, the World Economic Forum published its 19th edition of the Global Risks Report. It begins with a daunting introduction highlighting how the current risk landscape has not only evolved but has been compounded by geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainty, an unstable global order, and the continual, but rapid evolution of technology. Whilst the report discusses the

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AI and Machine Learning in the DPIA
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and the GDPR: incompatible realities?

Introduction This article explores one of the ongoing criticisms made of the GDPR and seeks to explain why one specific emerging technology – Artificial Intelligence (AI) – is causing so much fuss in the field of data protection. Is regulatory reform the only answer to the never-ending technological progress?  When the father begins to doubt his own son  Axel Voss, one of the fathers of the GDPR, believes the GDPR is already out of date and needs to be revised. Voss suggested to the Financial Times the GDPR

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