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AI and Machine Learning in the DPIA
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and the GDPR: incompatible realities?

Introduction This article explores one of the ongoing criticisms made of the GDPR and seeks to explain why one specific emerging technology – Artificial Intelligence (AI) – is causing so much fuss in the field of data protection. Is regulatory reform the only answer to the never-ending technological progress?  When the father begins to doubt his own son  Axel Voss, one of the fathers of the GDPR, believes the GDPR is already out of date and needs to be revised. Voss suggested to the Financial Times the GDPR

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Privacy Programme

The key to a successful global data protection programme

Intro Privacy and data protection laws seem to be popping up everywhere. This raises the quesiton: how can businesses react to the proliferation of data protection norms? Many of these draw inspiration from Europe and refer to the fair information practice principles. Some, take a different approach in significant ways (for example CCPA ,in the way they define the households

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Is this the end of third-party cookies?

Whenever you visit any website, the first thing you notice is a big annoying banner that is supposed to let you know about how/if cookies are used. Some cookie banners are smaller, some bigger; some are more compliant, others are less compliant, but they are always there. If you want to access the information on that site quickly, there is

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ADGM Data Protection

The ADGM Data Protection Regulations 2021

Introduction The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) announced this week that it has enacted the highly anticipated new Data Protection Regulations 2021 (“DPR2021”). The ADGM, which was established in 2015, is an international financial centre located on Al Maryah Island in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. For those readers less familiar with the Gulf region, the ADGM is

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WLC // Privacy Strategy // Chess and Decision and people in blue

Can the DPO be involved in operational matters?

Last week, I had a long and interesting discussion with one of the leading Scandinavian data protection lawyers. We normally see eye to eye on most matters, so I was genuinely surprised to find myself disagreeing with his position on one of the most fundamental building blocks of data protection regulation, namely the position of the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

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Does the deployment of 5G require a DPIA?

Introduction In the last year, significant momentum has started to build around fifth generation (5G) for wireless communications technology. The new generation of mobile network technology brings with it new capabilities that over time will allow for a whole new range of previously unthinkable use cases for consumers, business and public administration. However, as also observed by data protection authorities,

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Data Protection

The new personal data protection law in Egypt – a GDPR comparison

As part of a growing trend across the region, Egypt has introduced the new Personal Data Protection Law No. 151/2020 (PDPL). It was passed in July and entered into force in October.   In a manner similar to a number of other countries that followed the highwater mark set by the EU, the PDPL also bears a strong resemblance to

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Data Ethics

Data Ethical Reporting in Denmark

A recent change in the Danish legislation on annual reporting for large companies has come into force. The change requires covered companies to supplement their annual report with a statement on their policies on data ethics. The change will have effect for the fiscal year commencing on January 2021 or later. In this article, we take a closer look at

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Personal data protection // Isometric Graphic // White Label Consultancy

What a seatbelt can teach us about data protection enforcement

We are seeing the introduction of new or updated “GDPR-inspired” data protection regulations across the Middle East and Africa. Although the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is driving an element of much needed global harmonisation, the GDPR also has the potential to restrict the vital free flow and aggregation of data in the region. This is something which

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Public sector

Not every man for himself: Risk assessments, transfers and ethical empowerment in the public sector

The saying ‘Every man for himself’ indicates not only a fundamental principle of competition along with an ambitious striving towards a goal. Much more, the saying enhances the idea of singularity and maybe even exclusion. ‘Every man for himself’ thus becomes the tale of insulation and maybe even lack of community-thinking. By ‘community-thinking’ we mean a set of common values

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