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Data protection and cyber security in 2024

2023 was a busy year within the data protection and cyber security domains. The Court of Justice decided on over 30 data protection-related cases, the European Data Protection Board published a number of impactful guidance papers, and various national data protection authorities made several important enforcement decisions.

2024 will also bring many new developments that organisations should be aware of. Several recent legal acts related to both data protection and cyber security will be adopted or entered into force this year both in the European Union and beyond.

At White Label Consultancy, we have gathered some predictions on data protection and cyber security for 2024, where we provide some insights on what we could expect in the data protection field in the European Union, the United States of America, Australia and the Middle East, but also point out some key developments in cyber security that various organisations should keep in mind.

Download the paper: Predictions for 2024

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