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Saudia Arabia Data Protection Law 

Introduction   The Kingdom of Saudia Arabia new has adopted new Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) to regulate personal data processing and prevent personal data abuse in line with the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 to develop a digital infrastructure and support innovation to grow a digital economy. PDPL has many similarities with various national and international data protection regulatory

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comply with GDPR

Privacy basics: the long arm of the GDPR

We continue the series ‘Privacy basics’ with bite-sized articles on the core concepts of privacy and data protection. The purpose of this blog series is to make privacy as simple as possible by explaining some of the most important core concepts. With each new blog article, we introduce privacy elements with pragmatic examples that will help you better understand how

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AI and Machine Learning in the DPIA
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and the GDPR: incompatible realities?

Introduction This article explores one of the ongoing criticisms made of the GDPR and seeks to explain why one specific emerging technology – Artificial Intelligence (AI) – is causing so much fuss in the field of data protection. Is regulatory reform the only answer to the never-ending technological progress?  When the father begins to doubt his own son  Axel Voss, one of the fathers of the GDPR, believes the GDPR is already out of date and needs to be revised. Voss suggested to the Financial Times the GDPR

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Is this the end of third-party cookies?

Whenever you visit any website, the first thing you notice is a big annoying banner that is supposed to let you know about how/if cookies are used. Some cookie banners are smaller, some bigger; some are more compliant, others are less compliant, but they are always there. If you want to access the information on that site quickly, there is

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Leadership and Culture in Data Governance and Data Protection

Introduction We are undergoing a technological revolution that is unlike anything we have experienced before. The speed of the disruption to almost every industry is not easy to anticipate yet we see evidence of the impact everywhere. It is changing the way we live and work – and Covid-19 is likely to accelerate this digitization. Digital transformation, and with it

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