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White Label

Security Leadership Advisory

A Cyber Security strategy for your company will be based on a business exposure insight assessment and defines a security target state with well-defined security maturity and risk acceptance criteria.

The most crucial element is the roadmap for execution, which will be developed in a series of workshops based on operational data points and interviews with key players.

If you require a more extensive Cyber Security strategy, you may be interested in hiring an external CISO, for example, in the advisory board. For a lighter engagement, board of director briefings to stay on top of the cost, complexity, and consequences of digital risks may be more suitable for you. 

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Why choose White Label Consultancy?

  • Extensive cybersecurity strategic, tactical, operational, and implementation experience in various industries and technology sectors
  • Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Implementer
  • WLC’s proven methodology, leveraging best practice processes, templates, and guidelines for each phase of the certification journey
  • Balanced approach in certification compliance requirements versus relevant security controls tailored to your organization’s needs and priorities.
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Schedule a conversation with us or drop us a mail to see how we can help in shaping your strategic privacy and data protection position!