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Data Processing Agreement

DPA Negotiation: Top 6 Tips

Over the last few years we had our hands full discussing and negotiating Data Processing Agreements (DPAs). The 6 tips below are based on our practical observations and things we have learned. We hope this will offer useful insights to DPOs, legal, procurement and outsourcing stakeholders who come across DPAs in their daily work. Please note that the tips we

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AI and Machine Learning in the DPIA

Artificial Intelligence in the (D)PIA

Background AI is a hot topic, not least among the Data Protection Authorities, who have recently been very active developing guidance papers aimed at helping organisations grasp and assess the complexities involved. Examples of such publications include the very recent and open for consultation ICO’s AI auditing framework, or 2018 report from Norwegian DPA on Artificial Intelligence and privacy. These documents look at implications for data

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