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Privacy Summit Dubai 2024

  Privacy Summit Dubai 2024 White Label Consultancy Dubai, 4 March 2024 DIFC  Academy Privacy Summit Dubai 2024 is an exclusive, half-day event bringing together thought leaders, experts, and privacy professionals to delve into crucial aspects of data protection and privacy in the ever-evolving landscape. This event aims to provide valuable insights, foster discussions, and offer practical strategies for managing

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Tips for negotiating Data Processing Agreements

As a data protection professional, you will often find yourself being part of large contractual negotiations, where you will be responsible for data processing agreement. Therefore, please find below a few tips on how to prepare for a (re-) negotiation of data processing agreements to achieve the best possible outcome of these. First of all, know the party on the

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Managing Security and Privacy Risks

As cyber security risks increase and new data protection requirements surface, navigating the privacy and security landscape has become ever more onerous and demanding.Even in organisations with well-established and mature enterprise risk management programs, keeping your risk picture updated and actually having your identified risks under control have become an arms-race. Below, I will share a few risk-reducing steps that

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Governance Program

5 tips for an effective Privacy and Security Program

Bringing your privacy and security program to life involve turning the principles and activities outlined in the framework into concrete actions and processes that can be implemented in practice within your organisation. This typically involves defining clear roles and responsibilities, establishing clear lines of communication and decision-making, and setting up systems and processes for monitoring and ultimately enforcing compliance with

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Data Protection Officer or Chief Privacy Officer?

The rise of the Data Protection Officer In the final months of preparation for GDPR, Europe witnessed the proliferation of a new work function. All over Europe organisations were appointing data protection officers to ostensibly achieve compliance with the new regulation. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. Organisations have now had the opportunity to work

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Programme Planning
Privacy Programme

The key components of a privacy programme

How should we staff our privacy function? A question that regularly comes up when we are working with clients is, “how should we staff our privacy function?” It is normally the CFO that asks the question from the financial perspective, and often the CEO will ask “What do our competitors do?” The answer is not as simple as one would

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WLC // Privacy Strategy // Chess and Decision and people in blue

Can the DPO be involved in operational matters?

Last week, I had a long and interesting discussion with one of the leading Scandinavian data protection lawyers. We normally see eye to eye on most matters, so I was genuinely surprised to find myself disagreeing with his position on one of the most fundamental building blocks of data protection regulation, namely the position of the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

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Data Protection Audit // White Label Consultancy
Business Value of Privacy

The Value of Privacy in a Business Context

The ever-increasing need for access to data for business development purposes and the increasing regulatory requirements, have catapulted data governance into the business environment. This means that data needs to be managed, controlled, and developed in accordance with existing business principles of asset management. However, the value of privacy in a business context must be  assessed using the same criterion

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