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Personal data protection // Isometric Graphic // White Label Consultancy
Data Protection Compliance Risk

The Rise of Data Protection Compliance as a Risk – What Executives in the Middle East Need to Know

Introduction The risk of data protection compliance is on the rise in the Middle East. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) celebrated a 3rd birthday last week. Over the past year we have witnessed the global introduction of new or updated “GDPR-inspired” data protection regulations. Slightly different approaches by supervisory authorities inside the EU may be causing some challenges,

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DPO White Paper

White Label The Role of the Data Protection Officer In this white paper we explain the role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) to executive-level decisionmakers and legal and compliance stakeholders who may not be particularly familiar with privacy as a subject, but who are increasingly confronted with questions about privacy, and tasked with ensuring compliance with new or evolving

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Data Transfers
UAE Banks

A New Data Protection Regime for UAE Banks

Introduction The data protection landscape has been evolving quickly across the Middle East and Africa to keep abreast of global developments and international standards. Perhaps surprisingly for a country with a genuine history of digital innovation and ambition in relation to becoming a truly data driven society, the UAE lags behind many of its neighbours and global “knowledge economy” competitors

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Copenhagen Data Protection Day 2021

Copenhagen Data Protection Day 2021 with Kromann Reumert and WLC 6 October 2021 The Copenhagen Data Protection Day 2021 counts on speakers from public authorities and leading enterprises seeking to engage all stakeholders in discussing the challenges ahead. Industry driven discussions on the developments in data protection 3 years+ after GDPR became applicable. Reach out! Agenda Based on our experiences

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Privacy Programme

The key to a successful global data protection programme

Intro Privacy and data protection laws seem to be popping up everywhere. This raises the quesiton: how can businesses react to the proliferation of data protection norms? Many of these draw inspiration from Europe and refer to the fair information practice principles. Some, take a different approach in significant ways (for example CCPA ,in the way they define the households

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ADGM Data Protection

The ADGM Data Protection Regulations 2021

Introduction The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) announced this week that it has enacted the highly anticipated new Data Protection Regulations 2021 (“DPR2021”). The ADGM, which was established in 2015, is an international financial centre located on Al Maryah Island in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. For those readers less familiar with the Gulf region, the ADGM is

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Personal data protection // Isometric Graphic // White Label Consultancy

What a seatbelt can teach us about data protection enforcement

We are seeing the introduction of new or updated “GDPR-inspired” data protection regulations across the Middle East and Africa. Although the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is driving an element of much needed global harmonisation, the GDPR also has the potential to restrict the vital free flow and aggregation of data in the region. This is something which

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Data Transfers

Schrems II – Implications beyond the US of A

Introduction This post continues a series of WLC commentaries following the recent Schrems II judgement by the CJEU. The judgement invalidated the Privacy Shield and confirmed the validity of Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCCs”) as a cross-border data transfer mechanism. It however imposed a requirement on the data exporter and the data importer to ensure, on a case-by-case basis, full compliance with a

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Programme Planning
Data Transfers

How can I help my organisation manage the consequences of Schrems II Judgement

Intro This post is a continuation of our pragmatic advice on dealing with the consequences of the recent Schrems II judgement of CJEU, that have invalidated the Privacy Shield and put in question the way organisations transfer data outside of the EU/EEA. We are focusing on practical steps that the organisation should take internally as a reaction to the Schrems

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Data Protection Roles

The importance of data protection roles in product development

Summary Correctly choosing whether you are a controller, a joint controller, or a processor is important not only from a compliance perspective. It should take into consideration the future needs for data for your product and will largely direct its development.  Intro The traditional division between the controller and the processor historically relied on a distinction between a party connected

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