Introduction We are undergoing a technological revolution that is unlike anything we have experienced before. The speed of the disruption to almost every industry is not easy to anticipate yet we see evidence of the impact everywhere. It is changing...
Persondata Webinar 2020 Arrangeret af DPO-foreningen og WLC Onsdag d. 20. maj 2020 kl. 09:00 til 10:30 Dette webinar har til formål at sætte fokus på nogle af de konkrete udfordringer som DPO´er i Danske virksomheder, myndigheder og institutioner står overfor i...
Before I dig further into the research exemptions of GDPR, its implementation in specific Member States and the impact of data subject rights – let’s recap what I touched upon in my previous article. What does GDPR say? One of...
Background AI is a hot topic, not least among the Data Protection Authorities, who have recently been very active developing guidance papers aimed at helping organisations grasp and assess the complexities involved. Examples of such publications include the very recent and open for...
1 "This is not what I signed up for" The tale of Uriah the Hittite tells a story about a soldier that was abandoned by his fellow soldiers. Still he fought valiantly until he eventually had to succumb to the...
Introduction Since GDPR entered into force a lot has been said and written about the way organisations can collect and then process personal data they have. In my opinion though, not much attention has been devoted to re-using personal data...
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