
Bio-Streams tackles childhood obesity through a multi-pillar framework, leveraging an EU biobank, micro-moments, and mobile recommendation systems for comprehensive solutions.

The Project

Obesity among children has reached alarming levels in the EU, presenting a pressing public health challenge. According to the WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022, the rates of overweight and obesity continue to rise unabated, with none of the 53 Member States projected to meet the WHO Global Non-communicable Disease (NCD) target of halting the increase in obesity by 2025.

In response, the Bio-Streams project has emerged with a comprehensive approach to address this pressing issue. At its core, Bio-Streams leverages the power of data-driven solutions, drawing upon an extensive EU biobank dedicated to studying obesity in young individuals. This initiative aims to establish the first-ever EU-wide virtual biobank focused solely on addressing childhood obesity, facilitating unprecedented insights into the underlying factors and potential interventions.

Working closely with leading experts from various fields, including healthcare, technology, and academia, Bio-Streams harnesses the collective expertise to drive innovation and implement evidence-based strategies.

Our Contribution

Leveraging data from an extensive EU biobank requires meticulous attention to privacy laws like the GDPR, ensuring the protection of sensitive health data while facilitating ground-breaking research. Obtaining informed consent from participants, particularly parents or guardians of minors, is essential to uphold ethical standards and respect individual autonomy. Moreover, ethical considerations demand prioritising the well-being of vulnerable individuals and mitigating potential biases in data-driven solutions.

Within this dynamic ecosystem, WLC provides invaluable support to the project partners, ensuring that Bio-Streams adheres to stringent legal and ethical standards. With a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape, WLC offers comprehensive guidance, navigating the complexities of data usage, privacy protocols, and research ethics.

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