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Cyber Security and
Data Protection

White Label

Unparalleled experience

White Label Consultancy offers you the expertise to navigate compliance and minimise risk around your data protection and cybersecurity requirements. Independent and objective advice tailored to maximise business impact.

White Label

Our Cyber Security and Data Protection Consulting


Assessments of your cyber security and data protection posture with identification of gaps and actionable improvement points.

#SchremsII #threatintelligence #PIA #3rd party risks #GDPR #CCPA #duediligence #DPA


Move closer to the overall strategic business objectives of your organisation. Create a roadmap to address risks and opportunities with meaningful KPIs.

#BoD #ISO27001 #BoDBriefings


Drive transformation programs and measure the impact. Maintain relationships with authorities and data subjects for compliance procedures.

#DPIA #InterimCISO #DPOaaS #EURepresentative #Governance #SecurityMaturity


Respond to security incidents and data breaches, interpret facts for the purpose of Board of Directors, senior stakeholder, or authority notifications.

#DSR #DataBreach #CyberInvestigations #DigitalForensics


Training and awareness for the board, management, employees, and customers.

#CrisisTraining #SecurityAwareness #PrivacybyDesign #DataBreach #FireDrill #PrivacyPrinciples

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Artificial Intelligence

The Impact of AI on Gender Discrimination

At White Label Consultancy, we acknowledge and embrace the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the numerous challenges it brings across diverse sectors.   That

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White Label

Examples of Our Engagements

“The data protection game has fundamentally changed from mere compliance to a customer value driven focus.
Trust is the ticket to play...”