Intro This post is a continuation of our pragmatic advice on dealing with the consequences of the recent Schrems II judgement of CJEU, that have invalidated the Privacy Shield and put in question the way organisations transfer data outside of...
We provide you with 10 key items you need to know about the Scherms II case court decision. Since our mission is to provide pragmatic advise we have refrained from long legal analysis, instead we give you insights on the...
Over the last few years we had our hands full discussing and negotiating Data Processing Agreements (DPAs). The 6 tips below are based on our practical observations and things we have learned. We hope this will offer useful insights to...
Summary Correctly choosing whether you are a controller, a joint controller, or a processor is important not only from a compliance perspective. It should take into consideration the future needs for data for your product and will largely direct its...
The ever-increasing need for access to data for business development purposes and the increasing regulatory requirements, have catapulted data governance into the business environment. This means that data needs to be managed, controlled, and developed in accordance with existing business...
International Data Transfers - while we are waiting for Schrems II As organisations are slowly finding their way back to regular business, it may be timely to look back to the Advocate General Mr. Henrik Øe’s opinion in the case...
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